The Balanced Bliss Blueprint

A Self-paced Masterclass for Women to Overcome All-or-Nothing Thinking and Create Healthy Balance between Weekdays, Weekends, and Vacations.

Hey I’m Amanda!

I am a Clinical Nutritionist that helps individuals like you transform their mind and body. While you might think recommending protocols is the most important part of my job (and trust me the right one is important), there’s actually something else equally important. And that’s your mindset!

I specialize in working with individuals that are struggling with hormonal health, digestive health, inability to lose weight or (and most commonly) all three. While each case is different, overall goals usually boil down to three main things:

  1. Empowering relationship with food and exercise

  2. Improve health and longevity

  3. Lose weight sustainably and feel good in their skin

I am always psyched when I get to help someone achieve this!

As I was saying, a critical part of my job is helping you cultivate the mindset that will get you where you want to be. We can talk protocols all day long, but unless you can successfully make room for change in your life, the protocol itself won’t yield results if it isn’t implemented consistently and sustainably.

And while this course isn’t one-to-one coaching and does not consist of dietary, supplement or workout recommendations, it is the first step to help you break free from the all or nothing trap that’s keeping you stuck as well as lay the foundation for all future success to come.

Balanced Bliss is for you if you are looking for one or all of the following: 

You struggle finding balance between prioritizing your health and having fun.

You feel like you need to choose between fun or your health because both can’t exist at the same time. Your weekdays may look very controlled and planned, clean eating and no “bad” food, a strict caloric deficit, and you may feel like you’re running on stress fumes. On the other hand, weekends seem to have lack of control and plan, there tends to be overeating (maybe even until you dont feel well) or forgetting to eat altogether (straight liquid diet!), and constantly saying yes to plans even if you’re unsure that you want to.

You grew up with confusing and negative language around food.

  • Things you may have heard growing up:

  • I’ll get back on track on Monday

  • I ate SO bad this weekend!

  • Omg, I can’t believe we ate ALL that (in a negative way)

  • I’m so full I could throw up

  • I haven’t eaten all day for this!

And the list goes on...

You’re putting in what feels like a ton of effort, and yet you’re not seeing progress!
While I don't doubt you are putting in effort, I do doubt your effort is being given to the wrong things.

You would like to feel more present while socializing. ✨

You’re constantly worried about what you are eating / consuming and it’s difficult to be fully present and enjoy company because of it. It doesn’t need to be labeled as disordered in order for you to feel this way, you would just like to feel better and have richer experiences!

You are preparing to work with me as a 1:1 client. ✨

This may or may not apply to you but just know, if you are a potential client I’ve recommended to take this course first, you are in the right place!

Ladies, it’s time to reclaim your joy and find that balance you’ve always dreamed of!