The Art of Self-Love: 9 Practices for Embracing Your Body

There’s nothing quite like making your body a home… Here are 9 things that have helped me love and embrace my body at in any stage (in no particular order):

  1. Gratitude - Don’t underestimate the power of a daily gratitude, especially when it’s specific to everything your body DOES do for you on a daily basis. (I promise there’s a reason I have a question relative to this in your biofeedback forms). It quickly shifts us from focusing on everything we lack to everything we DO have. Life is all about perspective. Positive thinking leads to a cascade of neurochemical reactions in the brain that contribute to feelings of happiness, contentment, and overall well-being - all of which, play a role in our physical health and goals.

  2. Music and dancing - There is something so special about music when you allow yourself to lean deeply into a beat, move your body, and feel the bliss of being present. Dance also gives the opportunity to move through emotions (particularly negative emotions we have about our body). No matter how silly it may feel or look, it works.  

  3. Breath work - There is nothing quite like taking a big, juicy breath! Intentional breathing is like a massage to your nervous system. Additionally, breathing exercises can help you develop a deeper connection with your body. As you focus on the rhythm of your breath and the sensations it creates, you can cultivate a sense of appreciation for your body's abilities.

  4. Pushing past the physical limitations we place on ourselves. You see, when you overcome your mind in a workout by doing “one more”, you realize that most of the limits we have are only made up in our minds. And by focusing on defying physical limits, it also breaks mental limits. This lays the foundation for self-trust, self-confidence, and therefore, self love.

  5. Focusing on something bigger than ourselves. Embracing self love at any stage gives the person next to you permission to do the same. In that sense, it’s an act of service. Be what you want for those you love most. That is the ultimate gift. 

  6. Getting sober. Specifically, getting sober from negative self talk! Your body doesn’t know when you’re “just joking”. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, dont say it about or to yourself.

  7. Holding yourself accountable to your sphere of influence and leaning into the level of control you do have. There is nothing wrong with wanting to change something for the better. Commitment is a gift you can give to yourself everyday, especially on the days you don’t feel like it. It’s hard to be upset about something when you know you’re learning and working at it and not just talking about doing it.  

  8. Focus on character building instead of the end goal. Rather than focusing on where you want to go, focus on who you need to be to get there. Achieving your goal weight, a fitness goal, and/or improving a health condition requires traits such as courage, discipline, healthy coping skills, self-efficacy, and self-regulation. We all could use work in one area or another and will often find it’s one or more that seems to deter us from making the progress we would like to. Put your attention on the actions that support the person you want to become. That’s where it’s best used!

  9. Lastly, I am here to remind you that energy speaks volumes. Decibels much higher than we realize. And good energy is simply stunning on whoever decides to wear it. 


Here’s what happened when I ate the same things everyday…


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