The 4 Non-Negotiables

Often times our health feels complicated. “Stay away from these foods, don’t do cardio, do cardio!, don’t cook your vegetables, eat 6x a day, eat once a day!…” The list could go ON. For the longest time, I gave every piece of advice I came across time and energy. I jumped around from different diets, foods and workouts. I never found anything in particular that was sustainable or that I enjoyed longterm. However, I noticed a few fundamentals that always yielded results no matter the latest fad. They are health principles that have held true since the start of mankind.

  1. Eat REAL, whole foods

  2. Infuse your life with meaningful movement

  3. Sleep, yes every night!

  4. Drink your water

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “DUH!” That’s what I said too. And then I thought, was I REALLY giving these 4 non-negotaibles the recognition they deserved? Or was I too busy wrapped up in calculating the calories I burned in my latest workout?

Sure, I thought my diet was healthy. Could it be upgraded with more nutritious foods? Yes.

Sure, I worked out 6-7 days a week but did I need to swap out some training with a relaxing walk or stretching? Definitely.

Sure, I slept every night but was it that true, deep sleep where I woke up feeling refreshed? Nope.

And yeah, I drank water when I felt like it.

I was completely naive to the massive toll this was taking on my health and fitness goals.

  1. Eat REAL, whole foods: Real foods contain nutrients that processed food never could. These nutrients are what keep your gut and metabolism fired up, your brain happy, and your hormones working properly. See my blog “The Continuum” on where you can start making healthier, more nutritious food swaps.

  2. Infuse your life with meaningful movement: I was always a workout freak, drawn to the grind, the sweat, and the endorphins. Because yes, it’s awesome! However, strength workouts and HITT training starts to shy away from being beneficial when overdone. And if you never liked training in the first place, you probably know it’s not wise to go all out on a spurt of motivation. It usually leads to a burnout and you’re right back to square one. With that said, humans are biologically constructed to be active. A sedentary lifestyle puts you at risk for many of the diseases America faces today. Meaningful movement does not mean the gym 6 days a week. In fact, it probably looks more like 3-4 days in the gym, walking EVERYDAY, stretching, and doing more of the things you love.

  3. Sleep, yes every night: Lack of sleep is associated with increased appetite, metabolic dysregulation, and a decrease in mood and energy. Most of us feel stress in our daily lives and sleep is the time to recover from that stress. Not only does not sleeping hinder this process, it escalates it. Cortisol levels rise when we don’t get enough sleep and it becomes a vicious cycle too many are victimized by.

  4. Drink your water: Up to 60% of the human adult body is water. Water carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, flushes bacteria out, aids in digestion and a healthy gut, controls blood pressure, cushions joints, regulates body temperature and maintains electrolyte balance. Not only does drinking enough water allow the body to function at its best, but it can also help stimulate metabolism. On the other hand, not drinking enough water can cause greater fatigue, less alertness, and a negative impact on mood. Take your weight and multiply by ⅔ or 67% to determine your daily water intake. Ex: A 150lb person would need 100z of water or 12.5 (8oz) cups of water a day. For every 30 minutes you workout, add 12 more ounces of water. Tips to consistently drink enough water: 

    1. Carry a water bottle with you and refill throughout the day 

    2. Drink water before every meal 

    3. Choose water over diet or sugary drinks.


The Continuum


Creating a Balanced Diet