On a Scale of 1-10, You Are a 10.

The scale is just another data point. That’s it.

Weigh-ins are a trend overtime and influenced by many factors. Your body gives you a ton of feedback on a daily basis and your weight is a small piece of that. Other markers such as energy levels, stress, hormonal changes, bowel movements, etc are all signs and symptoms of what’s going on internally. Each puzzle piece is of equal value. So why do we get caught up in one?

You know this - Two people can weigh the same and look completely (and I mean completely) different. The scale will never define your worth or your beauty! And it won’t give you a full picture of your health or progress either.

The best relationship you can have with the scale is not to view it as good or bad, but simply feedback that fits together with all the other pieces.

Real self love comes from keeping the promises we make to ourselves and actively practicing choices to that support and serve us. Don’t leave it up to the scale. It’ll disappoint you every time, whether you’re at your goal weight or far from it.

How to weigh in most effectively:

Please use the same scale, once a week, on a fasted stomach first thing in the morning after emptying the bladder. Different scales will read slightly different weights but as long as you are using the same one, it will still demonstrate an overall trend.

Some other great ways to gain feedback include progress pictures and hip / waist measurements. They should be done similarly, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Biweekly or once a month usually works best here.

**Of course, there are certain scenarios where a weigh-in may not be necessary.


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